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6:37 PM
Pocket Rumble

Pocket Rumble is a streamlined, beginner-friendly 2-button fighting game that retains all the gameplay elements that make traditional 2D fighters great, but reduces the level of execution and memorization necessary to the bare minimum.


Pocket Rumble is currently in a very early state. There are only three characters available, and there is no real single-player content. There is ranked online multiplayer and there is a mostly-functional training mode. Some secondary features and superficial touches are missing and most of the game modes are currently inaccessible.

We will be updating frequently, adding a character each month until the roster is complete, and adding other features along the way. If you purchase Pocket Rumble right now, know that you won't be getting your $10 worth right away. Consider it a preorder for the full game, which should be complete within a year. Early Access is just a bonus for you and a testing ground for us.

About This Game

Pocket Rumble is a streamlined, beginner-friendly 2D fighting game inspired by SNK's classic fighters for the Neo Geo Pocket Color. It retains all the gameplay elements that make traditional Street Fighter-style fighters great, but reduces the level of execution and memorization necessary to the bare minimum. That way experienced players can learn the game fast and be able to focus on deeper elements of strategy and mindgames, new players can learn the ins and outs of fighting games without being overwhelmed, and everyone can get their skills to a competitive level without too much grinding alone in training mode.

Download: CLOUD
Size: <100 Mb

Category: PC GAME | Views: 398 | Added by: extra_pack | Tags: Fighting, Indie, Action, 2D, Fighter, Early Access | Rating: 0.0/0
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