Star Wars: Knight Errant: Aflame is the first story arc in the Star Wars: Knight Errant comic series. It occurs in 1032 BBY in the Republic Dark Age during the last century of the New Sith Wars and is largely narrated through the point of view of the Jedi Knight Kerra Holt, a knight errant Jedi who operated in Sith territory. In the Aflame arc, Kerra survives an ill-fated Jedi mission to Chelloa, where she establishes contact with the Chelloan resistance leader Gorlan Palladane, a former Jedi. She takes on two rival Sith Lords Daiman and Odion, while thwarting their schemes towards Chelloa. Kerra discovers her true mission is to save the civilians from Sith rule rather than taking on the Sith themselves. Following a climatic apocalypse, Kerra and Gorlan succeed in evacuating Chelloa's population to the safety of Republic space.
Aflame was first released on October 13, 2010 and ran through to February 16, 2011. It consisted of five issues and its script was developed by John Jackson Miller. Aflame was released as a trade paperback comic by Dark Horse Comics on July 13, 2011.
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